Casco Bay Furniture Review – An Interview with our North Carolina, Blue Ridge Mountain Table Artisan.


John can you tell me how you started building custom made furniture?

Well Richard I started 44 years ago I think it was in 1972. My wife Penny and I opened a shop in Southern California. I was always an Artisan at heart. Before long I started making hand carved mirrors and folk art. With the encouragement of family and friends I began to enter my work in local art shows and before I knew I was traveling the country with my creations. I was fortunate enough to win many awards at these shows.

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We have all admired a beautiful piece of furniture, a sofa, a dining room table, but have you ever wondered how it goes from concept to reality? Surely it must be a complex process.

Think about it. Take a sofa, for example. Not only does it have to look good, it has to sit good for the vast amount of people—with all of their different sizes, heights and shapes—who are considering purchasing it,

A quality sofa is also expected to last along time, decades even. It has to take the abuse of kids, grandchildren, teenagers, cats, dogs and other assorted creatures. I decided to contact our staff designer, D Ross of  Hickory, North Carolina to learn more about how this is accomplished.

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