What you should know about Casco Bay Furniture’s Madison Leather Sofa featured in Brompton Cocoa

The Madison Leather Sofa has a classic track arm design made popular by Restoration Hardware’s Maxwell Leather sofa and other large catalog companies. This style has been one of the most popular sofas in the industry for decades. It was first developed by a company called Richter Design who is no longer in business. In fact, this company was the first to name the style Maxwell. Compare the quality of our Madison Leather Sofa to Restoration Hardware’s Maxwell Leather Sofa and those offered by other large catalog companies and retailers. Our version of this sofa, The Madison is handcrafted in a state of the art manufacturing facility located in Taylorsville, North Carolina. The owner of our factory, has been making high quality upholstered furniture for over 42 years.

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What you should know about Casco Bay Furniture’s Manchester leather sofa featured in Brompton Cocoa

The Manchester Sofa has a classic rolled arm design. This style was made popular by Restoration Hardware’s Lancaster sofa and other large catalog companies. This style has been one of the most popular sofas in the industry for decades. Compare the quality of our Manchester Leather Sofa to Restoration Hardware’s Lancaster Leather Sofa and those offered by other large catalog companies and retailers. Our version of this sofa, The Manchester is handcrafted by Jonathan Wesley Furniture, in a state of the art manufacturing facility in Taylorsville, North Carolina. The owner of our factory has been making high quality upholstered furniture for over 42 years. Prior to owning his own factory he was the plant manager for Taylor King Furniture owned by his family and also located in Taylorsville, NC. Taylor King was later purchased by Hancock and Moore where he remained after the sale prior to opening Jonathan Wesley Furniture.

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What You Should Know About Our Kingsbridge Tufted Sofa

The Kensington Tufted Sofa is a classic Chesterfield design made popular by several Catalog Companies. Compare our Kingsbridge Leather Sofa to the Restoration Hardware’s Kensington Leather Sofa,  the Arhaus Wessex Leather Sofa, Pottery Barn’s Leather Chesterfield and other tufted leather sofas. Our version of this sofa, the Kingsbridge is handcrafted in a state of the art manufacturing facility in Taylorsville, North Carolina. It is manufactured by Jonathan Wesley Furniture. The owner of our factory Tim Shook and his uncle, Norm Shook founded a company in the early 70’s called Taylor King Furniture, considered to be one of the premier upholstery manufacturers in the industry. They later sold Taylor King to Hancock and Moore. After the sale Tim continued on as the plant Manger for Taylor King , eventually leaving and reopening as Jonathan Wesley Furniture. Coincidentally Tim’s brother replaced Tim as the plant manger for Taylor King. Several of Tim’s upholsterers joined him at Jonathan Wesley. As you can see from this little bit of history, our factory owner has been making high quality upholstered furniture for 43 years.

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At Casco Bay Furniture, we are often asked about the history of the Chesterfield sofa. Here is a bit of that history.

The word “Chesterfield” is a term used today by many in North American and particularly in Canada to describe what most of us commonly refer to as a sofa. But the term has much older origins. It is generally thought that the Fourth Earl of Chesterfield, Lord Philip Stanford, who lived from 1694 to 1773 and died at the age of 79, commissioned his furniture maker to build a leather sofa that would not wrinkle the clothes of a gentlemen sitting upright, but in comfort.

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At Casco Bay Furniture we recently had a customer call us. Their new leather sofas had just been delivered and they were afraid to uncover it because of their cat.

I had a chuckle, but I do understand the dilemma, as I also have a cat. The cat’s name is Max and he’s a tuxedo cat. My wife and daughter love that cat. I would say on average the cat gets about a hundred kisses a day (and yes, I do get jealous!) His blankets are fluffed, his food is carefully selected, and he is constantly entertained by an array of toys and distractions.

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