Casco Bay Furniture – Tear in Your Leather? Here’s What You Do
Posted by Richard on May 18, 2012 in Furniture Repair, Leather Furniture | 3 commentsWe recently got a call from a consumer who was distraught about a scratch they made in their new leather sofa…Casco Bay Furniture Review decided to investigate the topic.
Richard, My husband and I were hanging a picture behind our beautiful new leather sofa and the picture fell, tearing and scratching the top of the sofa. There are three ½ inch tears and some scratches. We are sick about this. What do we do?
Let me share with you my answer: The good news is that, for the most part, leather is quite repairable. If the cut is small, Elmer’s glue or Crazy Glue works well. Just a touch is all you need. If your leather is a waxed pull-up leather, a hot hair dryer and a bit of elbow grease will do the trick for small scratches (more on this technique), but if it’s more than this, you need professional help. The question you probably have is, how much will this cost and who do you call?
My advice is to first start with the retailer who sold you the furniture, if you know who this is. If not, let me divulge a few “trade secrets.” Generally, most leather repairs from a qualified tech will cost from about $125 to $200 per call. We have some favorites that we have used at Casco Bay Funiture. You want to make sure the person is qualified and knows how to work on the type of leather you have.
Live in Los Angeles: Sharon Brown of www.aaaleatherdoctor.com is in my opinion one of the best in the country. She can fix just about anything made of leather and do a perfect job. Her number is 818-669-0799.
Live in Boston: Try www.hubleatherrepair.com at 617-489-0315.
Live in NYC: Try Mikyl at www.furnitureservices.com at 347-528-7777.
Live somewhere else, try these resources: http://www.furniture-hotline.com or http://leathermedic.com or http://www.fibrenew.com
You can also call one of the furniture protection plan companies, such as Guardsman @ 800-516-0195, Guardian @ 800-332-2747 and others as they will often know a tech in just about every location.
If all else fails, go on Google and type in, for example: “leather repair in Dallas Texas.” Generally, you will find a few companies that come up.
Trade Secret: Interview the tech. What I like to do is call the tech and talk to him over the phone to get a feeling about the tech’s capabilities. As a rule we do this at Casco Bay Furniture with any tech we call, unless we have used them before.
If all else fails, give us a call. We might be able to help. We hope Casco Bay Furniture Review of leather repair has been helpful.
Leather is an ideal material for long term use but is also subject to wear and tear especially if regular maintenance is not applied. Accidents can happen which can definitely damage leather but yes, it is indeed possible to repair such material. With skilled leather repair personnel, leather can be good as new.
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Leather Repair Austin
Thank you we are glad you liked our blog. We’ll keep your name in our reference file as well. Richard